Services & Procedures
Ankle to Toe, Repair, Recovery & Relief

Foot pain is a very common issue that both men and women often experience at some point in their lives. Foot pain can make it difficult to go about your everyday activities and can be debilitating. At The Foot Doctors, we understand the challenges that foot pain can present. We offer a wide range of treatments for all types of foot pain, from injury and bunions to Plantar fasciitis to Diabetic foot. With the most advanced treatment technology and a team of caring medical professionals, we can help you get relief quickly and effectively. We are dedicated to helping our patients repair their feet, recover from their injuries, and find relief from their pain. If you are experiencing foot pain, just click here to get started and contact the office today!
At The Foot Doctors we have a great selection of stylish shoes & orthotics, and can create custom prescription insoles/inserts for you. We'll determine the source of your foot pain and the best course of treatment. Don't get sold by a sales guy at an insert or shoe store who'll use a "special" computer to make you an overpriced "custom" insert or shoe. Instead, come see a Doctor for the appropriate medical treatment that's personalized to your needs. Plus, in most cases, we can provide you with a customized insert or orthotic at a lower cost because we can accept your insurance. So save yourself time, money, and aggravation by coming to The Foot Doctors first. Reach out to our helpful office staff to schedule an appointment this week.

Cortisone shots are injections that can help relieve pain and inflammation, most commonly injected into joints. The injections usually contain a corticosteroid medication and a local anesthetic. The corticosteroid helps to relieve pain and inflammation over time, while the anesthetic provides immediate pain relief. The results of cortisone shots depend on the reason for the treatment, but they can be very effective in reducing pain and inflammation. However, there is a limit to number of shots you can have, so it's important to talk to your doctor about all your options before deciding on this treatment. If you're looking for pain relief, The Foot Doctors can help! This is just one of many pain relief treatments that can help you get back to feeling your best. Call to schedule an appointment for more info.
Cold Laser Therapy or Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a highly effective treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissue and help accelerate the healing process. It can be used on patients suffering from a variety of acute and chronic conditions, including pain, swelling, spasms, and reduced functionality. The therapy initiates a series of events at the cellular level that leads to the normalization of damaged or injured tissue. In addition, Cold Laser Therapy can also reduce pain, inflammation, and edema, and overall healing time by increasing intracellular metabolism. This is a great therapy for athletes of all ages and an invaluable tool for repair, recovery, and relief. Talk to our office for an appointment today!

If you or a loved one is diabetic and has not yet started a care plan for your feet, or has an injury, please call us today! According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 37 million children and adults have diabetes in the United States and more than 500,000 adults in Missouri have been diagnosed. Nervous system damage (also called neuropathy) affects about 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes and is a major complication that may cause diabetics to lose feeling in their feet or hands. Foot problems are a big risk in diabetics. Diabetics must constantly monitor their feet or face severe consequences, including amputation. With a diabetic foot, a wound as small as a blister from wearing a shoe that's too tight can cause a lot of damage. Diabetes decreases blood flow, so injuries are slow to heal. When your wound is not healing, it's at risk for infection. As a diabetic, your infections spread quickly. If you have diabetes, you should inspect your feet every day. Call for an appointment to make sure your feet are healthy today!
lantar fasciitis (PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis), also called "heel spur syndrome," is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It is commonly traced to an inflammation on the bottom of the foot in the connective tissue that stretches from the base of the toes, across the arch of the foot, to the point at which it inserts into the heel bone. We'll evaluate your arch pain and prescribe a plan to get you relief. Depending on your situation, treatment can range from anti-inflammatory medications, ice packs, stretching exercises, to orthotic devices, physical therapy or customized shoe inserts called orthoses to help alleviate the pain. Give us a call today to take the first step towards pain relief!

If you think you have a foot ulcer it's important you make an appointment today to prevent it from advancing. Typically found in diabetics, ulcers are skin wounds that are slow to heal and are classified in four stages, according to which layers of skin are broken through.1 - characterized by a reddening over bony areas. The redness on the skin does not go away when pressure is relieved. 2 - characterized by blisters, peeling or cracked skin. There is a partial thickness skin loss involving the top two layers of the skin. 3 - characterized by broken skin and sometimes bloody drainage. There is a full thickness skin loss involving subcutaneous tissue (the tissue between the skin and the muscle. Stage 4 - characterized by breaks in the skin involving skin, muscle, tendon and bone and are often associated with a bone infection called osteomyelitis. Do not wait, call us today for an appointment.
The maintenance of the toenails is important for health, as well as cosmetic reasons. Good nail care will prevent fungus infections, painful ingrown nails, and infections of the skin. Nail care is especially important for those with diabetes, as infections of the feet in particular are dangerous. To care for your nails, keep them short and trimmed straight across for toenails; keep your feet and their nails clean (change your socks daily); and wear foot protection when in places like public pools or gym showers where you could get a fungal infection. We offer nail care that many diabetic and geriatric patients utilize for regular care. At The Foot Doctors, we understand how important it is to take care of your nails - both for health and aesthetic reasons. Our team of experienced medical professionals offer a range of services to repair damage, provide relief from pain, and help you recover. Schedule your personal appointment here.

From your ankle to your toe, when you break a bone or have a sprain, you want to be sure that it is repaired correctly so that you can make a full recovery. That's why it's important to see a medical professional who is educated, experienced, and focused on treating injuries to the foot and ankle. The Foot Doctors are board-certified surgeons who are dedicated to providing repair, recovery, and relief from foot and ankle injuries. We're affiliated with both Cox and Mercy networks. We will accurately diagnose your injury and provide you the best possible treatment plan to repair your injury and help you recover quickly and safely. Whether you need surgery or just some rest and rehabilitation, The Foot Doctors will ensure that you receive the best possible care.
The Foot Doctors are also board-certified surgeons affiliated with both the Cox and Mercy networks. This means that we are able to provide top-of-the-line surgical care for our patients. We perform all types of surgical procedures as needed to repair fractures, breaks, and sprains; corrective surgery for conditions and we also offer cosmetic surgery by request (which requires prequalification as it's not covered by insurance). We understand that some foot conditions can be extremely painful and debilitating, which is why we are dedicated to providing our patients with the best possible care. We believe that everyone deserves to live pain-free, and we will do everything in our power to make sure that our patients receive the correct diagnosis and treatment. If you are suffering from any type of foot condition, please do not hesitate to contact us. We're happy to help you get on the road to recovery and relief

Whether you play sports recreationally or competitively, at the middle school, high school, college, or professional level, The Foot Doctors can provide repair, recovery & relief for sports pain and injuries. If you're dealing with chronic pain from sports, we have pain management options available just for athletes of all levels. From cold laser therapy to inserts or orthotics, you can have pain relief so you can continue to play hard. And if you've sustained a sports injury, our experienced team can provide the expert care you need for a full recovery. So don't let foot or ankle pain slow you down. Give us a call or click to set up an appointment for your personalized sports pain management plan. Don't let foot or ankle pain sideline you from the activities you love - get relief from The Foot Doctors!